Red Light 360 omnidirectional scanning
Processor: 32 bit ARM MCU+ DSP
Sensor: Planar CMOS sensor
Scanning Speed: 500 scans/sec
choice for POS system , ticket barrier , production line , etc
Decoding capabiity all standard 1d & 2d bar codes
Instant Scanning Speed 10 times faster than regular 2D desktop scanner
High preecision scannig ability, easy to scan micro barcode
Easily and quickly scan 1D & 2D barcode thru paper , commodity , electronic
No need driver , plug and play
Auto- induction saving power
Inter face options: USB , RS232 , PS/2
The product are available at This Product is more use full for Home and Office Use.
With so many Ominidirectional bar code scanner to choose from, selecting the best one to fit your budget can be like navigating a minefield. Even making sense of the ever-changing list of specifications is no easy feat. Ominidirectional bar code scanner vary greatly by different specification and need for Home and Office. however , product requirement may be completely different to someone else’s, only adding to the confusion. Having small market we have few option to Choose from market and Computer IT Store. so having limited availability price in Nepal are high. So we offer you best and reasonable price with Great Service for Ominidirectional bar code scanner for you.
With a wealth of 12 years of experience, IT Experts Solution Pvt. Ltd. focused on providing the best IT Service and Solution, IT hardware, product Sales for Government, Banking, Private, NGO, INGO etc. We offer wide varity of products and service to choose to meet your need with best and reasonable Ominidirectional bar code scanner price in Nepal to our customer. So ITShopNepal is the best place to buy Ominidirectional bar code scanner in Nepal, Kathmandu. However you can also buy Ominidirectional bar code scanner Online in Nepal, Kathmandu from our online store.
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